Dealer Spotlight: Migraine Kustoms
Chris started installing for friends when he was 14, long before he had a car of his own. After getting his first vehicle and completing his first large build, Chris was bitten by the SPL bug. From that point on, he made it a point to learn everything he could about system and enclosure design. After years of competing, a win at US nationals and countless other awards, Chris decided it was time to open his own shop. 26 years later Migraine Kustoms is still going strong.
When asked how DD Audio has effected his business, here’s what Chris had to say. “Digital Designs has brought an entire different level of quality to our business. The dynamics of the subwoofers are unparalleled by any other driver on todays market. In sound quality, the smooth transition from tone to tone due to the multiple spiders, and very controlled suspension and the accuracy and delivery is unmatched. The term, SQL, is a true definition of these drivers. We have thousands of cars worth of experience, have heard and installed just about every woofer on the market. For quality and output we always find ourselves steering customers towards our DD section. I haven’t had a single customer in all the years I’ve been a DD dealer say they weren’t satisfied.”