September Install Highlight: 2009 Chevy Silverado
Space makes bass, right? Well, in today’s vehicle market, space isn’t always the manufacturer’s top priority. So I’ll have no bass now you ask!? Negative ghostrider, the pattern is NOT full! You basically have two options: let the lack of space keep you from that DD sound you crave, or, take after Jose Garcia at The Audio Shop (McAllen and Pharr, TX) and cram stuff in until it’s loud enough!
This single cab 2009 Chevy Silverado is literally filled to the brim with DD goodness! For the sub stage the Audio Shop crew were able to pack in a 9512 powered by an M2c amplifier while on the mids and highs the guys went for one thing, LOUD! 2 VO-M6.5s, 2 VO-B3 tweeters, and some VO-M8s powered by a C5d amplifier provide a concert-like sound in a small cozy space.
All of the customization was done right at The Audio Shop in south Texas by Jose, or Joe Box, as his friends know him. This build just goes to show that even though it takes a little more creativity, there’s always room for DD in your ride!