Extra 24hrs, why not launch a redesign of ddaudio.com!
February 29, 2016
Oklahoma City, OK, February 29, 2016 – DD Audio is pleased to announce the redesign of the ddaudio.com website. Our mission was to create a vastly improved mobile user experience, as well as to bring together the best parts of ddaudio.com, dd4life.com, and ddme.com.
Major updates:
- Complete replacement of the backend technology for faster updates of our product availability.
- New “sticky” menus that will allow the user to navigate between products without scrolling back to the top menu.
- Gear up even easier with the integration of the e-commerce experience from dd4life.com.
- The “Sub Customizer” has been updated with the ESP option and current color selections. It is now easier to customize your sub, send it directly to your local dealer and brag about it on social media! Don’t know where to start with your custom sub? Thanks to the updated Custom Gallery, you can now filter by color to browse customization ideas for your sub.
- Integration of the content from ddme.com for quick and easy access to “The DDownlow” where you will continue to find tech articles, news and much more to come.
Moving forward we will continue to make additional functionality improvements and updates to stay on top with the most accurate information on our products.
We hope you enjoy the redesign. If you have any questions, comments, or technical issues, please do not hesitate to contact us at web@ddaudio.com