DD Does Dallas – KFest 2018 Dallas Recap
Oklahoma City, OK, September 5, 2018 — No two KnowledgeFest events are identical thanks to industry growth and enhanced focus from dealers and vendors. This year was no exception as DD Audio experienced its best ever training attendance and booth traffic.
DD used the opportunity presented by KnowledgeFest to educate, debut and familiarize. To start, training classes from DD Audio included “The Brick and Mortar Brand” which covered DD products and their dealer-centric philosophy and “Anatomy of a Subwoofer” which gave hands on, expert guided subwoofer build training. Both classes were at capacity.
In the exhibit hall DD showcased their new and beautifully crafted Upgrade Your Sound™ in-store demo display that is now available to dealers. Visitors to DD’s booth were also introduced to several of DD’s newest offerings, including the D4.75 mini amp and the DSI-2 DSP. Both of these products could be heard in a live demo thanks to Shane Stafford of Audio Advantage LLC Newberry, SC. Shane’s gorgeous 2008 Harley Electra Glide Classic was outfitted with a fantastic 16 speaker DD Audio system and was a must see and hear vehicle for attendees.
DD also had the honor of hosting their distributors from Trinidad and the UK at this event, both of which said they fully intend on coming back next year.
In conclusion Knowledgefest always goes well beyond just an educational conference, or a tradeshow. It is a chance for the community of mobile electronics professionals from all over the world to come together to share ideas, opinions, and even homemade cuisine; as tasted at this year’s official Knowledgefest Dallas “Bottle Share”. DD Audio would like to say thank you to the Mobile Electronics Association and all of the attendees for properly rounding out another awesome year of KnowledgeFest events.
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