Dealer Spotlight – Audio Express of San Antonio
DD Audio Dealer Spotlight | 1 June 2017
Shop Name:
Audio Express (of San Antonio)
Shop Location:
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Owner’s Name:
Eddie and Michelle Aguilar
DD: How long have you been in business?
Eddie: Since 1999.
DD: How did you get started in car audio?
Eddie: Well, I fixed my first TV when I was 9, electronics have always fascinated me. I remember taking radios apart in the mid 70’s and fiddled around with them to make them louder. Later on as a teen I was able to get my hands into my friends cars and install audio equipment for them so we could enjoy the music. I remember the days of powered equalizers/boosters. My, how times have changed! I made sure my car sounded the best, that is, next to my cousin Jayk who mentored me from time to time.
DD: What made you decide to do car audio for a living?
Eddie: I have managed multimillion-dollar businesses since the age of 19 when I first got promoted to store manager for Chief Auto Parts. A few years later I went on to become a General Manager for Western Auto Supply Company. My career in the auto parts industry was fun, educational and an amazing journey. I won several contests including trips, money and even a car. It was a beautiful fully restored 1968 Corvette.
Okay let me back up a bit, I forgot to mention that I grew up without a father in my life. My dream was to become what I never had, A FATHER! Working so much in management sometimes made it difficult to be a husband much less a father one day, I did not want to be a father and not be able to be a DAD. So, one day I spoke with my wife Michelle and together we devised a plan to get her through college and become a teacher after which I would be able to leave the corporate world to start my own business. I did not know what I would do at the time, but I knew one thing for certain, it would have to be something I LOVED doing.
One day I was listening to the radio and it came to me after hearing a commercial for a local tint and alarm company here in San Antonio. THAT’S IT! I love doing it, I am very good at it, and most of all during my years in retail I became successful at serving others, some call this CUSTOMER SERVICE. So, the rest is history and we have enjoyed every moment as we continue to meet some amazing new people.
DD: Does your shop specialize in anything specific?
Eddie: We specialize in making sure that we listen to what our customers are looking for and make suggestions that fit their budget. The rules are different here, we don’t start at the top like most businesses do. Ultimately we want our customers to become raving fans and recommend us to their friends and family, so their satisfaction is VERY important to us.
DD: How long have you been a DD Audio dealer?
Eddie: Since 2001.
DD: Where did you first hear about DD, and why did you decide to become a DD Audio dealer?
Eddie: I remember in the late 90’s when I began my research in car audio, I subscribed to a few audio related magazines where I would see SPL competitors and results. I noticed the guys that were always wining had these ugly looking subwoofers with two D’s and tons of batteries and amplifiers, I realized these were not ordinary subs.
When I started the business the internet was still fairly young and so was EBAY. I remember it was difficult to sell anything popular and make a decent profit to stay in business. I went on a search for a brand that no one else had or was not sold at the local flea markets, much less EBAY. One day a young male came into the store to check out another car audio store he spotted, in our conversation I asked him what subs he had in his car and his response was DIGITAL DESIGNS. “WOW, can I see one,” I asked? “Sure,” he replied. He removed one of his 9515’s from his box and when I saw this BEAST I knew I had to carry them. I called Digital Designs and spoke to Jassa’s mom Alice, the most pleasant person in car audio and beyond. I became a dealer and placed my first order. Back then we had to wait a month or so for the order to arrive but I did not mind at all.